Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Power of Affirmations

I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13 -KJV Holy Bible)


Greetings family!  Thank you for joining us today as we continue the wonderful journey of 'Finishing What We Start'!  I really appreciate your taking time out of your busy schedule to peruse our blog!  Today we're going to discuss the topic of POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS.  Positive affirmations are faith-filled statements we say out loud or to ourselves that indicate we have made the firm decision to stay on the path of accomplishing our desires, dreams, and goals.  These affirmations are a necessary act of faith to enable us to stay encouraged and dedicated to the realization of our aspirations, especially in the face of adversity.

The above Bible verse is one of the best positive affirmations we can declare!  It says 'I can...', even while everything going on around us may be screaming exactly the opposite.  Let me give you an example from my own personal life.  These past couple of days, let's just say, I haven't been feeling my best.  I have been bombarded with a sense of weariness, as my adversary the devil attempts to destroy my hope of accomplishing all my goals.  I have been under attack in my mind, body, and spirit with tactics that I can't remember being utilized by the enemy in quite some time.  I have literally been pushed to my limits, and I thank God that He has rejuvenated my soul to be able to continue on my path to fulfilment. Yes, those who have made a declaration that they WILL walk the path of Christ, and accomplish something worthy for His Kingdom will have days when the darts of the enemy attempt to quench the fire of The Holy Spirit's faith in their lives.  This is the main reason we must utilize our 'Shield of Faith' as spoken of in Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 16.  One way to quench these fiery darts is with Faith-filled confessions or affirmations (I wrote a book about this a few years ago entitled 10 Spirit Filled Confessions.  It goes into greater detail about the power of our words and the proper usage of our tongue.  I urge you to click the link to order it online.  It will help you change your thinking about your situation while encouraging you to continue to speak faith-filled words no matter what your circumstance may be.)

Positive affirmations are a list of declarations you say to yourself all throughout the day.  They are statements that counteract anything the enemy attempts to throw your way.  For example, if you have a problem with fear, you may write an affirmation such as 'I DO NOT Fear man, I fear The LORD'!  Whenever a feeling of fear or inadequacy tries to overtake your spirit, you would constantly repeat this affirmation to not fear, over and over in your mind, until your faith becomes strengthened, enabling you to walk in the boldness of Christ!  Remember, you decide what you would like the affirmations to be.  Only God, Himself, knows you better than you know yourself.  With the Wisdom of God, you write and declare what you want to overcome in your life.  Remember, 'Death and Life are in the Power of the tongue... (Proverbs 18:21)'  Before anything changes in your life, you have to believe it will come to pass!  No one can do this for you!  God has already enabled you to believe, by giving you the measure of faith necessary, but even Jesus didn't do many miracles in one town, because of the people's unbelief (St. Matthew 13:58).  If you don't believe in your abilities, who will?

As with your goals, your affirmations should be written and placed somewhere you can see them daily.  Ultimately they should be between 5 to 10 statements of faith.  Here is an example:

maCmoses' Faith-Filled Aspirations:

1. I have faith that moves the Heart of God and is able to remove mountains.
2. Everything I say, think, or do pleases my Father GOD!
3. Jesus lives in me, and because of this, I can accomplish every goal.
4. I DO NOT fear what man thinks, for GOD is pleased with me!
5. I am forgiven for every sin or mistake of my past!
6. I am wealthy Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
7. Everything I put my hands to prospers.
8. My mind is sound because I have the Mind of Christ!
9. Everything I say in faith comes to pass!
10. I love my God, my neighbor, and myself, and because of that love, God has placed loving people in my life!

As I said these are basically examples.  God will give you your set of affirmations as you seek Him daily by prayer and taking the time to read His Word.  Remember, Jesus spoke, and continues to speak life over you!  He created all things by His Word!  When times of discouragement come, and they come to the best of us, cast all your cares upon Him.  Continue to confess the Word of God!  Memorize your affirmations and walk by the faith upon which God has endowed you.  YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!  Boldly confess daily that You CAN do all things through CHRIST which strengtheneth you, and stand by faith defeating ALL opposition.  Remember the Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Let your faith fill your entire being with The Light of Christ!  Remember, darkness has no fellowship with light!  When you enter into a dark and gloomy room, what happens when you flip the light switch?  The darkness leaves, the light shines, and you are able to see clearly!  Remember when your light shines, people will see all that God has done for you, and their faith will be strengthened knowing that He is able to do the same for them.  Your words have the power to usher you into your Christ-ordained destiny.  No matter what your mind is saying, declare out of your mouth 'Positive Affirmations'!  The Bible says, 'Faith comes by hearing...'  The more you hear your positive affirmations mixed with the positivity of God's Word, your faith will build muscles, and you Will accomplish everything YOUR God has envisioned for you! Amen?  Amen!  Be Blessed!

(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God

Tomorrow: A time for Inventory

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