Praise Jesus Christ!
I stopped smoking today!
Greetings, my beloved Christian family. Today God Blessed me to take a major step in my quest to 'Finish what I start'! This step will enable me to not only become more healthier physically, but Spiritually as well. After years of trying, I made a firm, conscience decision to quit smoking cigars today! We must all do what we know is right and pleasing to God, and I know and believe that Jesus has been tugging at my heart for quite some time to put the lighter and tobacco down, and to focus entirely on Him for all I need Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I've tried and failed in the past, but I know that this is 'my time'! This is a new day, and with God's Help, I can definitely do ALL things through Christ Which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13)! I ask that you would continue to keep me in your prayers!
Now what does it mean to do what we know is right? Basically, this statement means that no matter what your friends, family members, associates, people in the world, or even other Christians say about what is right and pleasing to God, or what is wrong and grievous to the Spirit of God, we have to do what we believe God is telling us. For example, it is not a sin to drink wine as some would have us believe. The Bible clearly states that wine cheers the heart of God and man. The Bible declares it is a sin to be drunken with wine, and commands us to do all things in moderation. However, if during your Christian walk, you know that consumption of alcoholic beverages has led you to a sinful mindset in the past, and you understand that it is prudent for your walk with Christ to stray from the fruit of the vine, then by all means abstain from the consumption of wine. But if you are celebrating the goodness of God, for example, Who has enabled you and your spouse to make it to another anniversary and you two spend a night alone with wine and a candlelight dinner, there is no sin in doing this. After all, the Bible declares that He giveth us all things richly to enjoy! That is why it is imperative that we stay in the Word, and read the Bible for ourselves, even as the Bereans in the Book of Acts read the Scriptures after hearing the Declarations of the Apostle Paul, to find out if the things which he spoke were true. A lot of times, we live under condemnation for things that Satan makes us think are illegal in the courtroom of Salvation, rather than enjoying the benefits of wisely utilizing all God has bestowed upon us in His wonderful creation.
Now, doing what we know is right doesn't always necessitate doing Spiritual things, but most of the time they will involve Spiritual things. An example of this is not doing what we know we should do in regards to our health. We as Christians know and realize that there is no wisdom against God. In other words, doctor's don't always know what they are talking about in regards to natural things, including our physical capacities. However, I believe God has placed doctor's on this earth to help us, and has given them Wisdom and Knowledge to enable us to live long, prosperous lives doing what we know is right by adhering to what they admonish unto us. However, even though they may not have the final say over our physical, mental, and emotional well beings, I believe they have some say. For example, if God has given them the Knowledge to understand the importance of eating healthily, then we should by all means do our best to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. This is what I mean by saying they have some say, for even God commands us to do all things in moderation. But doctor's don't have the final say when they declare a patient suffering from a form of cancer has a certain amount of time to live. Only God knows and decides when we leave this earth, and this is evidenced by countless testimonies that prove God is STILL the Healer, and that there is nothing too hard for Him to accomplish. Doctor's are going by what they have learned in school, technology, and statistics. If they are not followers of Jesus, they are normally followers of science. That is one reason I encourage and applaud Christians like my mother who delve into the medical field. They know what the world says about science, but they also possess the upper hand in knowing what Jehovah God says about wholeness, wellness, healing, and all health matters in general.
As stated at the beginning of the above paragraph, it is also imperative that we realize that doing what is right concerning our health can also involve Spiritual matters. After all, God says our bodies are His temple. The main reason I quit smoking today is because of this Bible verse. Science says that smoking can cause a number of health issues. God has not let that fact be proven wrong. If it was proven that smoking was beneficial to the health of the body, and no harm ensued upon the health of those engaging in this habit, certainly we would see it as a blessing from God. But we know from countless medical reports the danger smoking can produce to not only the smoker, but the non-smoker as well through the relentlessness of second hand smoke. By denying ourselves what may feel good at the time, but is inherently wrong and sinful, and running our race with the patience Christ has given us, we have obtained the basic formula for doing what we know is right and pleasing to our Father in Heaven.
So remember, when people come against you, and your flesh is crying out, wanting you to fight back verbally, or physically, let it know that the battle is not yours. In reality, you are fighting back when you allow God to fight your battles for you. Believe me, He can do a much better job than you'd ever be able to accomplish. Realize we are in a Spiritual war. Our weapons are not carnal (fleshly or earthly - Ephesians Chapter 6). Sometimes the greatest tactic when someone is enticing you to sink to their level of depravity is to simply walk away. Oh, how I wish many of our young children, especially African-Americans knew this tactic of God-Given prudence. Countless lives could have been saved from the onslaught of gang violence. It is better to love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you, just as Jesus said (Matthew 5:44), than to attempt to fight a Spiritual battle with a physical weapon. Realize that every step you take of doing what you know to be right, God is well pleased. After all, isn't that what we really want, to hear Him say 'well done my good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the LORD'? Well, as long as we strive to do what is right in God's eyes, we will enter into His joy in this life, and definitely in the world to come! Amen? Amen!
(c) 2011 Writings with the Finger God
Next: Remember God