Praise Jesus Christ, family! Thank you all for joining me on this journey of finishing what we started! It is an absolute pleasure and joy to have you all along for the ride! Now, yesterday we discussed the necessity of taking a break when needed. We realized that in order to function at our highest capabilities, we need to refresh and recuperate from the stress and weariness that can sometimes envelop our minds, bodies, and spirits as we press on to not only the High Calling of God, but also towards our goals, dreams, and ambitions of becoming all that Jesus has ordained for us! Now that we've realized our rest and have become refreshed and refined, it is time for us to gather our wits about us and to continue on our journey toward our success.
Believe it or not, sometimes after we've completed our day of relaxation and restoration, it can seem difficult to return to the right path of progress. We have become comfortable with 'doing nothing' and have become a bit complacent. However, this actually is VERY easy to overcome. You may assume it's difficult to get past complacency, but in reality it's rather simple. There's a secret that all those who achieve some level of success have come to realize in continuing their journey to fulfillment. This secret is only hidden to those who refuse to progress and would rather remain in mediocrity. Would you like to know this secret? The likelihood is you already know and possess it. I literally know you have this secret abiding within you because of the fact that you are reading these words today! Because you took the time to improve your quality of life by reading this blog tells me that, you desire to improve your quality of life and you have many worthy aspirations that you KNOW God will help you achieve! Now by this time you might be saying "Come on maCmoses, get on with the secret!". Well before I can do that, your asking of this question leads me to another quality we must have as we pursue our aspirations. This quality or virtue is know as patience.
Without patience, many goals would never come to fruition. Patience is definitely a virtue that every successful businessman, businesswoman, doctor, lawyer, writer, musician, or any other career vocational choice needs to be successful. Without patience, we would lose faith in the fulfilment of the desires God has placed in our hearts. The Holy Bible even commands us to 'Wait on The LORD'. It also states that those who wait on the LORD will 'renew their strength' (Isaiah 40:31). Having patience will help us with any form of discouragement the enemy (Satan) may throw our way. Having patience will also help us to understand that not every goal we have will be accomplished in a day. Remember how we talked yesterday about God resting on the Sabbath? He could have created everything in one second, let alone one day, if that was His decision. But God likes to work in stages. That's what we must do with our lives. We must not try to do everything in one day! Trying to do TOO MUCH can be discouraging, especially when we don't see the progress come to pass as quickly as we might like. It is better for us to accomplish between 3-5 goals daily that we KNOW we can accomplish, than to seek to complete 10-12 goals, and weary ourselves when a little at a time may have been wiser. I briefly mention goals here. I'll talk more about that tomorrow!
Well, you've been EXTREMELY patient by waiting for me to tell you the secret to continuing with your journey. That secret can be described in a variety of descriptive words, but to put it in a nutshell the secret is to 'Do what needs to be done'! In other words, you normally won't feel like taking on a difficult task after you've had a day of rest, but when you do what you don't feel like doing, upon completion of the task you will feel the better for having accomplished a goal, and this sense of accomplishment will enable you to feel better in mind, body, and spirit, thus equipping you with the necessary ammunition to live a fulfilled life in all the Grace and Glory of God!
So what is it that you would like to accomplish today, tomorrow, or in the years to come? I know Jesus has placed many talents, desires, and insights within you, and you are very wise in pursuing your dreams! Prayerfully ask God which direction to take, and start planning your goals according to His Word to receive your 'Expected End' (Jeremiah 29:11). God will see you through, and He Will Encourage you along the journey's path. Be sure to come back tomorrow, so we can find the necessary means by which we can obtain our desires. It was a joy and a privilege speaking with you today! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger Of God
Tomorrow: How Do We Accomplish Our Goals?
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