Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Remember God

Praise Jesus Christ!

Greetings my 'Finish What You Start' family! How have you been since we last spoke?  Well, I've been doing GREAT by the Abundant Mercy and Grace of Jesus and I trust you are doing the same!  Today I'd like to discuss the topic of the importance of remembering our God.

Life can be a hectic environment for many of us.  With the information age and all the tablet technology available to us today, we have seemingly unlimited methods and means of communication.  Of course we are to thank God for all the inventions and technology HE has given us to make life easier and more enjoyable, but there is also a danger of getting so caught up in our every day mundane tasks, that we forget or deny the very God that brought us to this prosperous destination.

Remembering God is not a difficult endeavor.  Simply put, we normally remember what or who is important to us.  When we think about our loved ones, most of the time beautiful memories envelop our consciousness' enabling our countenance to become one of extreme joy! An example would be as follows:  When I see my beautiful wife Angela smile, just knowing that see is experiencing a form of joy at a particular moment makes my eyes light up, and I thank God for her happiness and well-being.  I'm sure when you think about your children becoming all and more than you envisioned them to be by the Grace of God, it puts a smile on your face.  God has given us all these things and more, and He desires that we remember Him, as well as His Goodness.  After all, by us realizing the gifts and blessings  He has bestowed upon us, isn't He actually remembering us?

The main way we remember God begins with reading, studying, meditating, and remembering His Word, The Holy Bible.  When we read His Holy Text, we see not only the promises our Heavenly Father has made to us, but we also perceive His character and intentions for all His wonderful creation.  We see the heart of a loving Creator whose innate desire is to see His children blessed.  The greatest Blessing He has given unto us is the sacrifice and shed blood of His Son Jesus.  If Satan clogs our minds up with the potential stress and worry of this life, certainly we have the capability of at least remembering the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  The Bible even states that we are to partake in Holy Communion as a remembrance of what Jesus has done for us on the cross ( Luke 22:19 KJV).  This let's us know that God desires mankind to remember Him in all things.

Remembering God is also a source of power for the believer.  When we are enduring a trial or test involving matters of faith (i.e. - an illness, loss of a job, loss of a loved one), the main way we overcome and continue our walk of faith is to remember what our God has done for us in the past.  All of us can remember at least one thing God has done for us in previous times.  As the psalmist David proclaims,  'they are more than man can count'.  After all, God woke you up this morning.  Thank Him for that!  God gave you eyes to read this.  Thank Him for that!  God gave you a computer to log onto this blog.  Thank Him for that!  God gave you food, shelter, and clothing.  Thank Him for that!  I am sure you, as I, can go on and on, proclaiming the wonderful things Jesus has done for us.  If we stay meditating and remembering what He has already done for us, we will live each day victoriously proclaiming to others the Goodness of our LORD, thus pleasing the Soul of our Creator, and being a testimony to unbelievers of what the only True and Living God can, will, and wants to do for those who seek Him for and in all things, and are obedient to His commands.

Remembering God is not only a commandment, it is also an obligation or duty.  No matter what we are going through at this present time, it can be worse.  I woke up today walking with a walker.  But I'm rejoicing for the fact that I know God has already healed me, and I will walk one day better than I've ever walked!  I also rejoice because, someone who most likely would love to get around with a walker, is relegated to a wheelchair for his or her daily living.  Now if you are the person relegated to a wheelchair right now, please don't despair!  No matter what your spinal cord, brain, or body is doing at this moment, with Christ, things are destined to change.  The medical doctor doesn't have the final say.  If you have the faith to believe Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then you have the faith necessary to realize your total healing.  The manifestation of your total well-being begins with the remembrance of God!  Remember how Jesus healed the blind, mute, and deaf.  Remember how Jesus healed the lame, the hunched, and the withered.  Remember how Jesus brought the dead (and seemingly dead situations) back to life.  This is remembering what God can do.  His Word states that  'By his stripes we are healed', and it states in a future chapter that by His stripes we were healed ( 2 Peter 2:24 ).  Remember God is the Healer!  If He accomplished something 2000 or 4 years ago, He certainly has the same abundant Power to do it today!

Be encouraged my friend, and remember God in everything!  When you make it through a trying day, say Thank you Jesus!  When you receive that much needed job promotion, say Thank you JesusWhen you leave a comment saying how God utilized this article to edify and encourage you in your walk with Him, believe me, I will shout 'Thank You Jesus'!  It's all a matter of perspective.  You can remember God, or remember your pain!  I choose to remember the God who relieved me from a life of pain and struggle, and enabled me to see His Goodness in the land of the living, and in the world to come.  You remember this, with God all things are possible, and most importantly, thank Jesus for remembering you!  IT IS FINISHED!

(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God

Next: You're almost there

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