Greetings family! I trust you're having a blessed week in the LORD! Thank you for continuing to read this blog, and for making your friends and family aware of it as well! Please keep in mind that as you subscribe to this blog, you will be updated regularly as new topic's are posted. Be sure also to participate in the weekly polls. I REALLY appreciate your consistency in perusing these articles, and look forward to sharing more God-Given Wisdom and ideals that will encourage you along the path of your Christian walk, ensuring that you always 'Finish What You Start!'
Today, I would like to discuss the aspect of Taking Inventory as you progress along the journey of accomplishing your goals. Taking inventory basically means that we see where we are, and how we are doing in our efforts to better our lives. By taking inventory, we are able to note how far we've come, how far we have to go, and if there are any necessary changes or modifications that must be made toward the completion of our aspirations. Without knowing if our plan of action is working, we will not be able to complete any task.
Of course, this notion of Taking Inventory is nothing new. Successful businesses do this all the time. When someone wishes to purchase something from a particular establishment, that business must ensure they have the product 'in stock'. If not, they must be quick to order it, or the potential life-long customer might go elsewhere. We also take inventory in our personal lives. For instance, we see if we have stocked up on toiletries and other household supplies necessary for daily living. What a shame it would be to do 'our business' and realize we've forgotten to purchase toilet paper (I apologize for giving you this visual) during our last trip to the market. So it is with the accomplishing of our goals. We must understand what works, and what doesn't work. We must take the time to effectively measure our progress. If something is not working, we need to find out the reasoning behind this and modify our means of accomplishing the task at hand. The key is to keep doing what works, and quit doing what is not producing our desired result!
Now let's talk about how to take an inventory of your progress. Let's use the example of attempting to lose weight. Now, you have set a goal to lose 40 pounds in six months. You have established that losing approximately 2lbs per week would get you to your goal. You've decided to cut out the sweets, while eating healthier lower-fat meals. You've been on your weight-loss regimen for a month and you step onto the scale to see how far you've come. You've lost a total of 2lbs while you were projected to lose around 8. What do you do? Do you become discouraged and quit your goal? Of course not! You have made some progress. After all, you're thinner than you were when your diet began, so something is working. It may just be that instead of solely eating healthier, you may need to add an exercise program to achieve maximum results. Once you've modified your plan, periodically check your progress. If another month passes and you've lost a total of 10lbs or so, you have made the correct modification and are close to achieving your goal. If after the modification, you're still not progressing as you expected then it may be the time to rethink your strategy (i.e. - getting nutritional assistance from an expert), but by all means DO NOT give up! With the Help and Wisdom of GOD, there IS a way to accomplish your goal!
Another important reason for taking inventory is in order that you remain inspired and optimistic while attempting to accomplish something noteworthy in your life. More often than not, when we're in the process of accomplishing a goal, there will arise days of disappointment and discouragement. We may begin to feel as if we are 'spinning our wheels' instead of making steady progress toward the attainment of our dreams. Monitoring our progress in increments will enable us to see the positive results of our hard work. Remember the above weight-loss example displays some progress being made toward a goal, even if it wasn't what the achiever originally expected. After careful modification, though, we see that this person is well on their way to accomplishing their goals.
So where are you in your goal attaining process? I trust, with the dawn of each new day, you are closer to your dreams than you were when you began the journey. Remember, always have a plan in place to track your progress. Never become discouraged, if you don't see quick results. Realize, that Jesus will mix His Faith with yours, and enable you to continue to 'Fight the Good Fight'! You are an over comer, and you will accomplish anything and everything in which you've placed your mind and focus. I would love to hear your progress along the way. Be sure to email me @ to let me know your progress, or simply leave a comment. Thanks again for joining us today! Now let me leave you with this reminder, You 'CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENETH YOU (Philippians 4:13)'! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Next: Begin Again!
This gathering of uplifting, inspiring, and edifying information will encourage the reader to accomplish all their goals and dreams with the aid of our Creator Jesus Christ, and give them a precise action plan of tried and true methods enabling them to boldly and confidently FINISH WHAT THEY START!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Power of Affirmations
I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13 -KJV Holy Bible)
Greetings family! Thank you for joining us today as we continue the wonderful journey of 'Finishing What We Start'! I really appreciate your taking time out of your busy schedule to peruse our blog! Today we're going to discuss the topic of POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. Positive affirmations are faith-filled statements we say out loud or to ourselves that indicate we have made the firm decision to stay on the path of accomplishing our desires, dreams, and goals. These affirmations are a necessary act of faith to enable us to stay encouraged and dedicated to the realization of our aspirations, especially in the face of adversity.
The above Bible verse is one of the best positive affirmations we can declare! It says 'I can...', even while everything going on around us may be screaming exactly the opposite. Let me give you an example from my own personal life. These past couple of days, let's just say, I haven't been feeling my best. I have been bombarded with a sense of weariness, as my adversary the devil attempts to destroy my hope of accomplishing all my goals. I have been under attack in my mind, body, and spirit with tactics that I can't remember being utilized by the enemy in quite some time. I have literally been pushed to my limits, and I thank God that He has rejuvenated my soul to be able to continue on my path to fulfilment. Yes, those who have made a declaration that they WILL walk the path of Christ, and accomplish something worthy for His Kingdom will have days when the darts of the enemy attempt to quench the fire of The Holy Spirit's faith in their lives. This is the main reason we must utilize our 'Shield of Faith' as spoken of in Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 16. One way to quench these fiery darts is with Faith-filled confessions or affirmations. (I wrote a book about this a few years ago entitled 10 Spirit Filled Confessions. It goes into greater detail about the power of our words and the proper usage of our tongue. I urge you to click the link to order it online. It will help you change your thinking about your situation while encouraging you to continue to speak faith-filled words no matter what your circumstance may be.)
Positive affirmations are a list of declarations you say to yourself all throughout the day. They are statements that counteract anything the enemy attempts to throw your way. For example, if you have a problem with fear, you may write an affirmation such as 'I DO NOT Fear man, I fear The LORD'! Whenever a feeling of fear or inadequacy tries to overtake your spirit, you would constantly repeat this affirmation to not fear, over and over in your mind, until your faith becomes strengthened, enabling you to walk in the boldness of Christ! Remember, you decide what you would like the affirmations to be. Only God, Himself, knows you better than you know yourself. With the Wisdom of God, you write and declare what you want to overcome in your life. Remember, 'Death and Life are in the Power of the tongue... (Proverbs 18:21)' Before anything changes in your life, you have to believe it will come to pass! No one can do this for you! God has already enabled you to believe, by giving you the measure of faith necessary, but even Jesus didn't do many miracles in one town, because of the people's unbelief (St. Matthew 13:58). If you don't believe in your abilities, who will?
As with your goals, your affirmations should be written and placed somewhere you can see them daily. Ultimately they should be between 5 to 10 statements of faith. Here is an example:
maCmoses' Faith-Filled Aspirations:
1. I have faith that moves the Heart of God and is able to remove mountains.
2. Everything I say, think, or do pleases my Father GOD!
3. Jesus lives in me, and because of this, I can accomplish every goal.
4. I DO NOT fear what man thinks, for GOD is pleased with me!
5. I am forgiven for every sin or mistake of my past!
6. I am wealthy Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
7. Everything I put my hands to prospers.
8. My mind is sound because I have the Mind of Christ!
9. Everything I say in faith comes to pass!
10. I love my God, my neighbor, and myself, and because of that love, God has placed loving people in my life!
As I said these are basically examples. God will give you your set of affirmations as you seek Him daily by prayer and taking the time to read His Word. Remember, Jesus spoke, and continues to speak life over you! He created all things by His Word! When times of discouragement come, and they come to the best of us, cast all your cares upon Him. Continue to confess the Word of God! Memorize your affirmations and walk by the faith upon which God has endowed you. YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! Boldly confess daily that You CAN do all things through CHRIST which strengtheneth you, and stand by faith defeating ALL opposition. Remember the Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee from you. Let your faith fill your entire being with The Light of Christ! Remember, darkness has no fellowship with light! When you enter into a dark and gloomy room, what happens when you flip the light switch? The darkness leaves, the light shines, and you are able to see clearly! Remember when your light shines, people will see all that God has done for you, and their faith will be strengthened knowing that He is able to do the same for them. Your words have the power to usher you into your Christ-ordained destiny. No matter what your mind is saying, declare out of your mouth 'Positive Affirmations'! The Bible says, 'Faith comes by hearing...' The more you hear your positive affirmations mixed with the positivity of God's Word, your faith will build muscles, and you Will accomplish everything YOUR God has envisioned for you! Amen? Amen! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Tomorrow: A time for Inventory
Greetings family! Thank you for joining us today as we continue the wonderful journey of 'Finishing What We Start'! I really appreciate your taking time out of your busy schedule to peruse our blog! Today we're going to discuss the topic of POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. Positive affirmations are faith-filled statements we say out loud or to ourselves that indicate we have made the firm decision to stay on the path of accomplishing our desires, dreams, and goals. These affirmations are a necessary act of faith to enable us to stay encouraged and dedicated to the realization of our aspirations, especially in the face of adversity.
The above Bible verse is one of the best positive affirmations we can declare! It says 'I can...', even while everything going on around us may be screaming exactly the opposite. Let me give you an example from my own personal life. These past couple of days, let's just say, I haven't been feeling my best. I have been bombarded with a sense of weariness, as my adversary the devil attempts to destroy my hope of accomplishing all my goals. I have been under attack in my mind, body, and spirit with tactics that I can't remember being utilized by the enemy in quite some time. I have literally been pushed to my limits, and I thank God that He has rejuvenated my soul to be able to continue on my path to fulfilment. Yes, those who have made a declaration that they WILL walk the path of Christ, and accomplish something worthy for His Kingdom will have days when the darts of the enemy attempt to quench the fire of The Holy Spirit's faith in their lives. This is the main reason we must utilize our 'Shield of Faith' as spoken of in Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 16. One way to quench these fiery darts is with Faith-filled confessions or affirmations. (I wrote a book about this a few years ago entitled 10 Spirit Filled Confessions. It goes into greater detail about the power of our words and the proper usage of our tongue. I urge you to click the link to order it online. It will help you change your thinking about your situation while encouraging you to continue to speak faith-filled words no matter what your circumstance may be.)
Positive affirmations are a list of declarations you say to yourself all throughout the day. They are statements that counteract anything the enemy attempts to throw your way. For example, if you have a problem with fear, you may write an affirmation such as 'I DO NOT Fear man, I fear The LORD'! Whenever a feeling of fear or inadequacy tries to overtake your spirit, you would constantly repeat this affirmation to not fear, over and over in your mind, until your faith becomes strengthened, enabling you to walk in the boldness of Christ! Remember, you decide what you would like the affirmations to be. Only God, Himself, knows you better than you know yourself. With the Wisdom of God, you write and declare what you want to overcome in your life. Remember, 'Death and Life are in the Power of the tongue... (Proverbs 18:21)' Before anything changes in your life, you have to believe it will come to pass! No one can do this for you! God has already enabled you to believe, by giving you the measure of faith necessary, but even Jesus didn't do many miracles in one town, because of the people's unbelief (St. Matthew 13:58). If you don't believe in your abilities, who will?
As with your goals, your affirmations should be written and placed somewhere you can see them daily. Ultimately they should be between 5 to 10 statements of faith. Here is an example:
maCmoses' Faith-Filled Aspirations:
1. I have faith that moves the Heart of God and is able to remove mountains.
2. Everything I say, think, or do pleases my Father GOD!
3. Jesus lives in me, and because of this, I can accomplish every goal.
4. I DO NOT fear what man thinks, for GOD is pleased with me!
5. I am forgiven for every sin or mistake of my past!
6. I am wealthy Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
7. Everything I put my hands to prospers.
8. My mind is sound because I have the Mind of Christ!
9. Everything I say in faith comes to pass!
10. I love my God, my neighbor, and myself, and because of that love, God has placed loving people in my life!
As I said these are basically examples. God will give you your set of affirmations as you seek Him daily by prayer and taking the time to read His Word. Remember, Jesus spoke, and continues to speak life over you! He created all things by His Word! When times of discouragement come, and they come to the best of us, cast all your cares upon Him. Continue to confess the Word of God! Memorize your affirmations and walk by the faith upon which God has endowed you. YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! Boldly confess daily that You CAN do all things through CHRIST which strengtheneth you, and stand by faith defeating ALL opposition. Remember the Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee from you. Let your faith fill your entire being with The Light of Christ! Remember, darkness has no fellowship with light! When you enter into a dark and gloomy room, what happens when you flip the light switch? The darkness leaves, the light shines, and you are able to see clearly! Remember when your light shines, people will see all that God has done for you, and their faith will be strengthened knowing that He is able to do the same for them. Your words have the power to usher you into your Christ-ordained destiny. No matter what your mind is saying, declare out of your mouth 'Positive Affirmations'! The Bible says, 'Faith comes by hearing...' The more you hear your positive affirmations mixed with the positivity of God's Word, your faith will build muscles, and you Will accomplish everything YOUR God has envisioned for you! Amen? Amen! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Tomorrow: A time for Inventory
Self Help,
spirit filled,
Coatesville, PA 19320, USA
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Having Faith that Endures
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the Evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 - KJV Holy Bible)
Greetings family! I pray and trust that you are having a Blessed week, and that these blog posts are an encouragement to you, helping you on your road to success, and being the motivation for you to be persistent in 'Finishing what you Start'!
In order to be successful in any endeavor, we must have faith. This is not the flimsy aspect of having faith in yourself. I realize that the Bible declares that we 'can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth us. (Philippians 4:13)', but it states through Christ, not through us! We have the faith to believe that we can accomplish any goal, because God is doing the work in us and not we ourselves. Yes, there is a healthy confidence we should have in our abilities to be successful, but ultimately our confidence, belief, and faith must be in our Creator and not our flesh! This keeps us from the pride, arrogance, and false fulfilment that is the impetus for any fall that may occur because of our glorying in ourselves and not in Jesus!
In the above Scripture it states that 'Faith is the substance...'. It is something that we can touch, or possess. It is more valuable than money or any other superficial commodity. It is the key that unlocks the Heart of Almighty God, and establishes His Kingdom in the earth. After all, through Faith God created everything (Hebrews 11:3). His Word (JESUS) is His Faith! That same Jesus that created all things, that died and rose from the grave, and that loves us unconditionally resides within us! After we've believed that He is the Son of God that came to give us the Way of Salvation (By Faith in His Blood), His Holy Spirit envelops us, living within the fabric of our being, and thus giving us the faith and the strength to trod the rocky hills of life victoriously, knowing that this same Jesus, who accomplished all things by His Faith, has given this same faith unto us, and is with us in every trial, battle, or endeavor.
We recently spoke on the action of goal-setting, and being motivated to continue our goals. The very act of setting goals is an example of our faith. We have the faith that with the Help of God, accompanied by our doing our best, we can, must, and will accomplish our aspirations. After all we know that there is nothing too hard for The LORD (Genesis 18:14). It not only takes faith to begin a goals program, it takes an enduring faith to sustain the program, when we don't seem to be progressing as fast as we would like. It is this enduring faith positioned alongside motivation that will encourage us to maintain a positive faith-filled attitude as we journey along the pathway of our Divine Destiny.
So what exactly is enduring faith? I believe enduring faith is the faith that no matter how long it takes, or how tiresome or tedious the road to accomplishing your dreams may become, you will not quit, and you will continue to have the faith in God, and in the abilities He has ordained upon you unto the completion of your goal. This does not mean that you will not grow weary. At times you will need to take a breather. However, your enduring faith has given you the mindset of perseverance whereby you will not ultimately 'rest' until the dream is realized.
Now that we have a clear understanding of the faith that endures, let's discuss the ways by which we can 'fan the flame' of this faith. In order to remain faithful in the undertaking of any task (marriage, goal pursuing, etc.), you must remember why you are doing what it is you are doing. You must not only see yourself in the possession of the goal, you must know that what you are doing will ultimately make a difference in your life, and what you are doing to accomplish the goal must make sense to you. No one wants to 'beat the air'. Those who attempt to plan their lives do so with realistic strategies that guard against ineptness and discouragement. I emphasize the word realistic. Sometimes it is more wise to take baby steps, rather than attempt to 'build Rome in one day'! Moderation is the key to any successful person's life. After all the Bible even declares that a false balance is an abomination to God (Proverbs 11:1). We must not only be balanced in our lives, but also in our goal setting. Set goals you can achieve daily, and your faith will increase with the accomplishment of each small realistic goal.
Before we end today's lesson, I want to discuss the most effective way of acquiring an enduring faith. That way is by spending adequate time in God's Word (The Holy Bible). Reading The Bible daily prepares you for any undertaking, and shows the Character of God, what He expects of us, and what we can expect of Him. When we understand that Jesus is in control of our lives, and that he wants to see us 'Prosper even as our soul prospers (3 John, Verse 2)', we will come to the understanding that God IS on our side, and this understanding will provide the Holy ammunition to carry on with our God-Given Goals.
Well, now that you have the faith to become all that God has envisioned for your life, it's time to act on those convictions. Don't let another day pass without you planning your life in such a way that will improve the quality of your existence, bringing you greater love, peace, contentment, and faith. Remember, Jesus said your faith will remove mountains (Mark 11:23). Have faith in The God by whom all things are and do exist! There is nothing too hard for Him, and with His Help, there will be nothing too hard for you!!!! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Tomorrow: Positive Affirmations
To learn more about the author, email
Holy Bible,
Positive thinking,
Self Help,
Coatesville, PA 19320, USA
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Staying Motivated!
Motivation is a key ingredient when enduring the sometimes difficult task of accomplishing goals. Without motivation, we become luke-warm goal seekers simply 'going through the motions', making the task at hand increasingly difficult. I mention that it would be more difficult because of the fact that when we are 'inspired' to do a thing, it makes it more joyous even if the job at hand may be a bit strenuous.
But how do we remain motivated? When we first begin a venture, we are at the peak of excitement! We feel rejuvenated by the new set of goals we have created and we know without a shadow of a doubt that with the aid of JEHOVAH we will accomplish our goals. We do great the first day, even better the second day, but then we seemingly hit that proverbial wall, where we don't feel up to doing what needs to be done to get us through the day. What are we to do when this occurs? Believe me, it WILL take place! The most successful people will tell you that much. However, the thing that made them successful, even when the road became tedious, was their being motivated to accomplish their desire. They have completely made up in their minds that they would see the aspiration to its end.
The key to remaining motivated is first to remember 'why' you set the goal. What was your reasoning behind the goal? Of course the main reason for setting your goals dealt with some form of self-improvement. When you remember that accomplishing the goal will greatly improve your outlook on life, this will assist you in following and finishing the plan you've set. Another reason to remember your 'why' is so that when attempting to accomplish a goal becomes uncomfortable or painful, your 'why' will encourage you to keep fighting, knowing that all your hard work will pay off in the end, enabling you to be healthier, happier, and more content than you previously realized!
A good way to stay motivated is to constantly look at your goals. You may want to write down the reason behind each goal to remain optimistic when the trials of pursuing the desire present themselves. The motivation necessary to accomplish your aspirations has already been placed inside of you by your Creator. Don't fret if you seem to lose some motivation, just continue to do what is necessary and doing that will keep you motivated, especially when you begin to make progress.
Another way to remain motivated is to think about how you will feel once the goal is accomplished. Seeing yourself in possession of the goal is a great way to encourage yourself along the ride. Remember your goals are most likely a marathon and not a sprint! There will be peaks and valleys along the path, but remain focus and decisive toward accomplishing the goal! It takes faith and strength to realize any worthwhile ambition. Keep believing and God will honor your faith, giving you the ingredients necessary to remain in a positive frame of mind along the ride toward the completion of your task.
So when the times get tough, and the travels along the road to accomplishing your goals make you weary, remember YOU CAN, WILL, AND MUST ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS!!!! You have all the motivation and desire needed to do all things to the Glory of GOD! God Will Strengthen you!!!! Don't become discouraged if things aren't progressing as quickly as they might. You will arrive at your destination if you do NOT quit!! Remember, as The Holy Bible states, 'YOU WILL REAP, IF YOU FAINT NOT!!!!' Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger Of GOD
Tomorrow: Enduring Faith
Motivation is a key ingredient when enduring the sometimes difficult task of accomplishing goals. Without motivation, we become luke-warm goal seekers simply 'going through the motions', making the task at hand increasingly difficult. I mention that it would be more difficult because of the fact that when we are 'inspired' to do a thing, it makes it more joyous even if the job at hand may be a bit strenuous.
But how do we remain motivated? When we first begin a venture, we are at the peak of excitement! We feel rejuvenated by the new set of goals we have created and we know without a shadow of a doubt that with the aid of JEHOVAH we will accomplish our goals. We do great the first day, even better the second day, but then we seemingly hit that proverbial wall, where we don't feel up to doing what needs to be done to get us through the day. What are we to do when this occurs? Believe me, it WILL take place! The most successful people will tell you that much. However, the thing that made them successful, even when the road became tedious, was their being motivated to accomplish their desire. They have completely made up in their minds that they would see the aspiration to its end.
The key to remaining motivated is first to remember 'why' you set the goal. What was your reasoning behind the goal? Of course the main reason for setting your goals dealt with some form of self-improvement. When you remember that accomplishing the goal will greatly improve your outlook on life, this will assist you in following and finishing the plan you've set. Another reason to remember your 'why' is so that when attempting to accomplish a goal becomes uncomfortable or painful, your 'why' will encourage you to keep fighting, knowing that all your hard work will pay off in the end, enabling you to be healthier, happier, and more content than you previously realized!
A good way to stay motivated is to constantly look at your goals. You may want to write down the reason behind each goal to remain optimistic when the trials of pursuing the desire present themselves. The motivation necessary to accomplish your aspirations has already been placed inside of you by your Creator. Don't fret if you seem to lose some motivation, just continue to do what is necessary and doing that will keep you motivated, especially when you begin to make progress.
Another way to remain motivated is to think about how you will feel once the goal is accomplished. Seeing yourself in possession of the goal is a great way to encourage yourself along the ride. Remember your goals are most likely a marathon and not a sprint! There will be peaks and valleys along the path, but remain focus and decisive toward accomplishing the goal! It takes faith and strength to realize any worthwhile ambition. Keep believing and God will honor your faith, giving you the ingredients necessary to remain in a positive frame of mind along the ride toward the completion of your task.
So when the times get tough, and the travels along the road to accomplishing your goals make you weary, remember YOU CAN, WILL, AND MUST ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS!!!! You have all the motivation and desire needed to do all things to the Glory of GOD! God Will Strengthen you!!!! Don't become discouraged if things aren't progressing as quickly as they might. You will arrive at your destination if you do NOT quit!! Remember, as The Holy Bible states, 'YOU WILL REAP, IF YOU FAINT NOT!!!!' Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger Of GOD
Tomorrow: Enduring Faith
Self Help,
Coatesville, PA 19320, USA
Monday, July 18, 2011
An In-Depth Look At Goal Setting
Greetings family! Yesterday we scratched the surface of 'Finishing What we Start' by dealing with the issue of effective goal-setting. All great accomplishment is a direct result of the God-given goals we prepare for ourselves in order that we become successful in any area of life. With this in mind, let's discuss the purpose of goal setting.
Goal setting gives us a road map, a sense of direction as we navigate the many twists and turns of life. We all have desires, things we would like to accomplish before we leave this earth, and the most effective method of accomplishing these dreams is to implement goals that allow us to be the people in which God intended to fulfill His Purpose and Plan for not only our lives, but also the lives of others. Achieving well thought out goals also gives us a sense of accomplishment which boosts our confidence and esteem, not only in God, but also in ourselves. Goal setting gives us a sense of purpose, and if we have a purpose in life, more than likely we have goals. Those who don't feel a sense of purpose or self-worth, very seldom create goals and a plan to achieve them.
I mentioned briefly yesterday that we should prayerfully consider our goals. We need to be sure that our goals line up with the Word of GOD and His Plan for our lives. After all, what good does it do to gain the whole world and lose your soul? In other words, we shouldn't set goals that would compromise the very integrity and fabric of the ideals, and morals our Creator has instilled in us. Our goals should always be pleasing to God. They should not consist of fruitless pursuits that attempt to show the world we've arrived. Our goals, if presented to the world, should show the Faithfulness of Jesus, and give Glory to the One that has designed us with access to His Holy Spirit Power to achieve all He has ordained for us to accomplish, and to show the nations that our God is the King of kings, and Lord of lords! That is the ultimate reasoning behind setting goals, to put on display the wonderful acts of God! So make sure that your goal is one that cheers the heart of God and yours as well. If we are led by the peace of God, we can't go wrong in terms of setting our goals.
We also discussed yesterday that all goals fall into three specific categories, SPIRITUAL GOALS, PERSONAL GOALS, and CORPORATE GOALS (See the article in this blog 'Start Great! Finish GREATER!' - 7/17/11). SPIRITUAL GOALS are aspirations based on things you want to accomplish for the Kingdom of God. While PERSONAL, and CORPORATE GOALS are important, SPIRITUAL GOALS are a mandate for setting all other goals, because they give us the moral compass necessary to be truly successful at any task. PERSONAL GOALS are goal's that will improve the overall quality of our personal lives. These are things that we want to achieve that we believe will not only bring us more happiness and fulfilment, but also make us better equipped to live out the life God has envisioned for us even before we came into this world. CORPORATE GOALS are basically goal's that involve a community of like minded individuals, coming together for a cause greater than themselves. These goals usually involve things at Church, the workplace, or major business endeavors. In a sense, SPIRITUAL GOALS prepare a person for achievement, PERSONAL GOALS equip a person for achievement, and CORPORATE GOALS show that the person has achieved!
Within the realm of these three categories of goals comes the three types of goals, IMMEDIATE Goals, SHORT-TERM Goals, and LONG-RANGE Goals. IMMEDIATE Goals are ones that can usually be realized in the span of one day to one month. They are goal's that are the starting point for all achievement! They put the potential achiever into the right frame of mind as they take the first steps in improving their persona. Some IMMEDIATE goal's include changing a hairstyle, reading a new book, filling out necessary documentation for a business endeavor, preparing a plan of action for accomplishing goals, etc. SHORT-TERM Goals are ones that normally would require anywhere from one month to one year to accomplish. They are goals that include things such as losing weight, purchasing a new car, starting a business, or many other endeavors that would normally take some but not a lot of time. LONG-RANGE Goals are ones that would require more than a year's worth of persistence. The main goal which comes to mind as a LONG-RANGE Goal is purchasing your 'dream home'. Now that we know the three major categories of goals, and the three types within these categories, let's begin the actual process of setting and maintaining goals!
The first step once you've sought The LORD and have come to the conclusion of what you'd like to accomplish in life is to write down all the things you want to do. You may prefer to write in a notepad, or on your laptop. It really doesn't make a difference. The key here is to get something concrete so that you can consistently view the goals, revise them if need be, and track your progress. After you've written all you would like to accomplish, place an 'S' beside the goal for a SPIRITUAL Goal, a 'P' for PERSONAL Goals, and a 'C' for CORPORATE Goals. The next thing you would want to do is to put a date when you plan to start the goal, and when you plan on completing it. Setting a time frame is VERY important because it helps you to accurately track your progress. In the same manner you've labeled the category of the goal, place an 'I' if the goal can be done IMMEDIATELY, and 'ST' If it is a SHORT-TERM Goal, and an 'LR' if it is a LONG-RANGE accomplishment. Now you've taken the first step in realizing your dreams! Believe it or not, you've just accomplished something that many people hardly ever attempt. You are getting your life in order, and working diligently to accomplish all that God has, by His Sovereign Providence, placed inside your heart.
Now after you've decided what you want to do, the category and type of goal you want to achieve, and the time frame you plan on achieving the goal, it is time to clearly put a list up where you can see the goals all throughout the day. You may want to put them on your bathroom mirror, on the wall beside your bed, on the refrigerator, or any place you frequent. I personally place my goals on a note in my cell phone. There are no rules to which method you utilize. The important thing is that you place the goals where you can see them. This will help keep the goals at the forefront of your mind, and will help to keep you motivated if any discouragement from the adversary (the devil) or adversaries (people who want to see you fall, or who mean well but don't know how to encourage your dreams) attempts to overtake you!
As a side note, you will always have IMMEDIATE goals within the categories and types of the other goals. An example would be the LONG-TERM goal is to buy the house (more than one year), while the IMMEDIATE goal is to open a savings account towards the purchase of the house (one day to one month). Don't worry, God will give you all the Wisdom necessary to know what steps to take to realize these goals. You just have to GET STARTED!!! Psalm 1 tells us that whatever we 'do' will prosper! Take the first step, and let God guide you to the finish line!
Along the way of achieving your goals, you may have some bumpy roads. When you make an effort to do something worthwhile for God's Kingdom, the battle for your discouragement has ensued from Satan's fallen-world. Don't be overcome if and when you don't feel like doing something you feel needs to be done. Keep pushing ahead. Some days you may not feel like doing anything. At least do something towards the accomplishment of your goal. If you plan on jogging 3 miles in one day, and can only gather the strength to jog one mile, you still have done something! Don't be too hard on yourself, as you attempt to make the necessary changes in your life. Take small steps. I have a LONG-RANGE goal to lose 100lbs by 10/15/2012. That may seem like a tall feet, but if I lost only 2lbs a week, I would have accomplished my goal by the middle of August 2012! Yours goals CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED! Track your progress along the way to see how far you have come. When you've accomplished any goal, congratulate yourself! Reward yourself!! Be sure to thank JESUS for every accomplishment along the way of realizing your dream. It doesn't matter how minimal the accomplishment may be. YOU ARE A VICTOR, and YOU HAVE OVERCOME with each small step of victory even if the entire goal has yet to be realized! Remember the reason's why you set the goal. This will help motivate you when discouragement tries to intervene. Sometimes our bodies, minds, and spirits are reluctant to 'change'! But in this life change is necessary. The only Person that doesn't change is JESUS! HE IS PERFECT! He has no need for change! We are striving to be perfect, that 'Striving' is our Change!
After you've accomplished your goal, rest, and then set a NEW one! Keep progressing upward on this road of life! Remember to CELEBRATE along the way. You've come a long way, and because you have a desire to be better, God will make you better! Take the time to make the necessary changes in your life, and become all - AND I MEAN ALL - the person JESUS CALLS YOU TO BE!! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger Of God
Tomorrow: Staying Motivated
Greetings family! Yesterday we scratched the surface of 'Finishing What we Start' by dealing with the issue of effective goal-setting. All great accomplishment is a direct result of the God-given goals we prepare for ourselves in order that we become successful in any area of life. With this in mind, let's discuss the purpose of goal setting.
Goal setting gives us a road map, a sense of direction as we navigate the many twists and turns of life. We all have desires, things we would like to accomplish before we leave this earth, and the most effective method of accomplishing these dreams is to implement goals that allow us to be the people in which God intended to fulfill His Purpose and Plan for not only our lives, but also the lives of others. Achieving well thought out goals also gives us a sense of accomplishment which boosts our confidence and esteem, not only in God, but also in ourselves. Goal setting gives us a sense of purpose, and if we have a purpose in life, more than likely we have goals. Those who don't feel a sense of purpose or self-worth, very seldom create goals and a plan to achieve them.
I mentioned briefly yesterday that we should prayerfully consider our goals. We need to be sure that our goals line up with the Word of GOD and His Plan for our lives. After all, what good does it do to gain the whole world and lose your soul? In other words, we shouldn't set goals that would compromise the very integrity and fabric of the ideals, and morals our Creator has instilled in us. Our goals should always be pleasing to God. They should not consist of fruitless pursuits that attempt to show the world we've arrived. Our goals, if presented to the world, should show the Faithfulness of Jesus, and give Glory to the One that has designed us with access to His Holy Spirit Power to achieve all He has ordained for us to accomplish, and to show the nations that our God is the King of kings, and Lord of lords! That is the ultimate reasoning behind setting goals, to put on display the wonderful acts of God! So make sure that your goal is one that cheers the heart of God and yours as well. If we are led by the peace of God, we can't go wrong in terms of setting our goals.
We also discussed yesterday that all goals fall into three specific categories, SPIRITUAL GOALS, PERSONAL GOALS, and CORPORATE GOALS (See the article in this blog 'Start Great! Finish GREATER!' - 7/17/11). SPIRITUAL GOALS are aspirations based on things you want to accomplish for the Kingdom of God. While PERSONAL, and CORPORATE GOALS are important, SPIRITUAL GOALS are a mandate for setting all other goals, because they give us the moral compass necessary to be truly successful at any task. PERSONAL GOALS are goal's that will improve the overall quality of our personal lives. These are things that we want to achieve that we believe will not only bring us more happiness and fulfilment, but also make us better equipped to live out the life God has envisioned for us even before we came into this world. CORPORATE GOALS are basically goal's that involve a community of like minded individuals, coming together for a cause greater than themselves. These goals usually involve things at Church, the workplace, or major business endeavors. In a sense, SPIRITUAL GOALS prepare a person for achievement, PERSONAL GOALS equip a person for achievement, and CORPORATE GOALS show that the person has achieved!
Within the realm of these three categories of goals comes the three types of goals, IMMEDIATE Goals, SHORT-TERM Goals, and LONG-RANGE Goals. IMMEDIATE Goals are ones that can usually be realized in the span of one day to one month. They are goal's that are the starting point for all achievement! They put the potential achiever into the right frame of mind as they take the first steps in improving their persona. Some IMMEDIATE goal's include changing a hairstyle, reading a new book, filling out necessary documentation for a business endeavor, preparing a plan of action for accomplishing goals, etc. SHORT-TERM Goals are ones that normally would require anywhere from one month to one year to accomplish. They are goals that include things such as losing weight, purchasing a new car, starting a business, or many other endeavors that would normally take some but not a lot of time. LONG-RANGE Goals are ones that would require more than a year's worth of persistence. The main goal which comes to mind as a LONG-RANGE Goal is purchasing your 'dream home'. Now that we know the three major categories of goals, and the three types within these categories, let's begin the actual process of setting and maintaining goals!
The first step once you've sought The LORD and have come to the conclusion of what you'd like to accomplish in life is to write down all the things you want to do. You may prefer to write in a notepad, or on your laptop. It really doesn't make a difference. The key here is to get something concrete so that you can consistently view the goals, revise them if need be, and track your progress. After you've written all you would like to accomplish, place an 'S' beside the goal for a SPIRITUAL Goal, a 'P' for PERSONAL Goals, and a 'C' for CORPORATE Goals. The next thing you would want to do is to put a date when you plan to start the goal, and when you plan on completing it. Setting a time frame is VERY important because it helps you to accurately track your progress. In the same manner you've labeled the category of the goal, place an 'I' if the goal can be done IMMEDIATELY, and 'ST' If it is a SHORT-TERM Goal, and an 'LR' if it is a LONG-RANGE accomplishment. Now you've taken the first step in realizing your dreams! Believe it or not, you've just accomplished something that many people hardly ever attempt. You are getting your life in order, and working diligently to accomplish all that God has, by His Sovereign Providence, placed inside your heart.
Now after you've decided what you want to do, the category and type of goal you want to achieve, and the time frame you plan on achieving the goal, it is time to clearly put a list up where you can see the goals all throughout the day. You may want to put them on your bathroom mirror, on the wall beside your bed, on the refrigerator, or any place you frequent. I personally place my goals on a note in my cell phone. There are no rules to which method you utilize. The important thing is that you place the goals where you can see them. This will help keep the goals at the forefront of your mind, and will help to keep you motivated if any discouragement from the adversary (the devil) or adversaries (people who want to see you fall, or who mean well but don't know how to encourage your dreams) attempts to overtake you!
As a side note, you will always have IMMEDIATE goals within the categories and types of the other goals. An example would be the LONG-TERM goal is to buy the house (more than one year), while the IMMEDIATE goal is to open a savings account towards the purchase of the house (one day to one month). Don't worry, God will give you all the Wisdom necessary to know what steps to take to realize these goals. You just have to GET STARTED!!! Psalm 1 tells us that whatever we 'do' will prosper! Take the first step, and let God guide you to the finish line!
Along the way of achieving your goals, you may have some bumpy roads. When you make an effort to do something worthwhile for God's Kingdom, the battle for your discouragement has ensued from Satan's fallen-world. Don't be overcome if and when you don't feel like doing something you feel needs to be done. Keep pushing ahead. Some days you may not feel like doing anything. At least do something towards the accomplishment of your goal. If you plan on jogging 3 miles in one day, and can only gather the strength to jog one mile, you still have done something! Don't be too hard on yourself, as you attempt to make the necessary changes in your life. Take small steps. I have a LONG-RANGE goal to lose 100lbs by 10/15/2012. That may seem like a tall feet, but if I lost only 2lbs a week, I would have accomplished my goal by the middle of August 2012! Yours goals CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED! Track your progress along the way to see how far you have come. When you've accomplished any goal, congratulate yourself! Reward yourself!! Be sure to thank JESUS for every accomplishment along the way of realizing your dream. It doesn't matter how minimal the accomplishment may be. YOU ARE A VICTOR, and YOU HAVE OVERCOME with each small step of victory even if the entire goal has yet to be realized! Remember the reason's why you set the goal. This will help motivate you when discouragement tries to intervene. Sometimes our bodies, minds, and spirits are reluctant to 'change'! But in this life change is necessary. The only Person that doesn't change is JESUS! HE IS PERFECT! He has no need for change! We are striving to be perfect, that 'Striving' is our Change!
After you've accomplished your goal, rest, and then set a NEW one! Keep progressing upward on this road of life! Remember to CELEBRATE along the way. You've come a long way, and because you have a desire to be better, God will make you better! Take the time to make the necessary changes in your life, and become all - AND I MEAN ALL - the person JESUS CALLS YOU TO BE!! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger Of God
Tomorrow: Staying Motivated
immediate goals,
long term goals,
Self Help,
short term goals,
spiritual goals
Coatesville, PA 19320, USA
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Start Great! Finish GREATER!!!!
Greetings, my beloved friends and family! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to join me today as we continue on our ordained journey to finish what we start! It is my absolute joy and privilege to be able to speak into your hearts and minds the wonderful Word and strategies of our Beloved Savior and LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Today we must discuss the topic of not only starting each day GREAT, but also FINISHING GREATER than how we began. With this in mind I would like to verbalize what I believe is the key to not only starting and completing each day with the Greatness of The LORD, but also the key to enduring a successful and profitable life, as we walk with Jesus as our number one Ally and Friend along this road we call LIFE!
The key to living a fulfilling life is utilizing the God-Given ability we possess to set and finish strategic goals. I say strategic because we have to set a strategy as if we were preparing for a battle that we could not afford to lose! Actually we are preparing for a battle. As a Christian, we are given the Wisdom of Almighty God that we are in a Spiritual Warfare. Sometimes, just our having survived yesterday, and waking up today, still thanking God, is a battle that by the Mercy of Christ we have won. Life is a series of battles. Some are lesser than others, but with every battle, although we may have come out victorious, more than likely there will be some sort of wound or bruise. Our total healing from all of life's trials and tribulations can only be found in the Grace and loving Countenance of Jesus Christ. However, I'll reserve that topic for a future blog. Be sure to remind me!
In this collection of faith-filled words, my intent is to get you started in the right direction of becoming a vessel apt for the Master's use, and creating not only an innate desire to fulfil the Will of God in your life, but to also accomplish every dream, goal, and Christ-like intent in order that you might rejoice in The LORD daily no matter what satanic opposition comes against you, and that you may be the Salt and Light Jesus designed you to be so that the world would see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. The impetus to get you started on the right path of attaining your desires, is the effectiveness of setting, maintaining, and fulfilling your goals!
The first step in goal setting is to decide what exactly you want. It is very difficult to attempt to prepare a plan of action if you don't know what you hope to attain as a result of the action! Before we begin the act of preparing our goals, I would like to emphasize that there are Spiritual Goals, Personal Goals, and Corporate goals. I would suggest that you prayerfully consider not only what the Will of God is in your life, but also ask Him to show you what talent's He has already placed at your beck and call in regards to His Will, Plan, and Purpose for your life. The best and easiest was to find out the Will of God for your life is to be rooted and grounded in the Word of God, the Holy Bible. God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness in His Word. The Holy Bible is the only accurate and true source of the intents of Jesus's Heart. We not only learn the attributes of our Savior by intense reading of this 'gameplan' for life, we also learn about ourselves, as we see close range the triumphs, mistakes, pitfalls, and tragedies of other men and women of like passions as we. Simply put, before we talk about any personal or corporate goals, we must discuss the imperative matter of pursuing Spiritual Goals!
Spiritual goals will vary from person to person. A spiritual goal may be your endeavoring to read the entire Bible in a year. It may also mean that you would set a goal to spend 20 minutes in the morning, evening, and night in fellowship with your Creator. It might mean you've decided to not leave a conversation with anyone without talking about the Goodness of God. Of course each of us is different in our spiritual walks with God, so you do whatever God places in your heart. But remember, in order to live a successful and fulfilling life, without regrets, we must have Spiritual goals! I know and believe the most important goal we as Christians should pursue is to live a life pleasing to God. I'm not saying necessarily what man says is pleasing to God. I'm saying what God's Word says is pleasing to Him. This is why it is imperative to KNOW His Word for yourself, and your spirit will soar on the beautiful heavens of the Will of our Creator!
The next category of goals is Personal Goals. Personal goals involve, but are not limited to, what you would like to accomplish in your own personal life. These goals include such things as writing a book, losing weight, quitting smoking, spending more time with loved ones, finishing college, having a successful business, attaining a certain amount of wealth, and the list continues. These are all worthy goals, and should be pursued, according to the Will of God in your life. This is one of the main reasons we need to have our Spiritual lives in tact before we pursue our BIG dreams and desires!
The last category of goals is Corporate goals. These aspirations involve what you would like to accomplish with the community of individuals God has placed in your life. These include family goals (i.e. - Having a movie, or family night with your spouse and children weekly), Church goals (i.e. - planning with the Pastor missionary trips, fund raising, feeding the homeless, visiting the sick, communing with the imprisoned, etc.), business goals (i.e. - having performance incentives in the workplace or at your business, partnership, or corporation), or community goals (i.e. - planning block parties for your neighborhood, having barbecues or swimming trips, taking a group of underprivileged children to Church or the movies, etc). These Corporate goals in a sense are more worthy than personal goals, however, we must have our personal lives in tact before we can effectively minister to the masses!
I mentioned earlier that before you can plan your goals, you must know exactly what you want. What do you want in life? What would you like God to accomplish in your life by this time next year? What resources are available to you to accomplish your goals? Will the goal be an immediate goal, short term goal, or long term goal? Will you need the assistance of others to accomplish your goal? Do you possess the necessary funding to achieve your goal? Do YOU believe you can accomplish this goal? These are all questions that must be considered when you are striving to accomplish something great! These are only a few questions. I'm sure you can think of many more. This is why you MUST know what you want before you can create a goal setting plan. This takes prayer, and may take soul searching. But it can be done! Remember, you can do ALL things through CHRIST which strengtheneth you (Philippians 4:13)!
Now, before I delve deeper into how we are to plan, perfect, and pursue our goals and to discuss what IMMEDIATE, SHORT TERM, and LONG TERM Goals are, I want you to first spend some time in prayer, seeking and listening to God. Ask Jesus to give you Wisdom even as you rest tonight about what He would have you do. Ask Him to clear out all clutter in your minds and hearts in order that you are sincerely ready to pursue all that He has envisioned for your life. Read your favorite Bible Chapter tonight before you retire for the evening. If you don't believe all that the Bible states about Jesus being our only Way to Salvation, I would suggest that you read in the Holy Bible (preferably the King James Version) The Gospel according to St. John Chapter 3 tonight. You may accomplish goals in life seemingly without belief in Christ, but when the goal is accomplished, without this belief, you WILL NOT garner real peace or fulfillment!!!!
If you are just joining us on this journey of Finishing What We Start, I would suggest you take the time to read our previous blogs. These will help you effectively manuever the roads, peaks, valleys, and mountains of life. Remember, we are Starting Great, and Finishing Greater in EVERY aspect of life. Please join us tomorrow as we discuss the intricacies of proper goal setting. You won't want to miss it! Thanks again for joining us today and everyday, and leave a comment, share the link to these articles on your various social media pages, and make your friends and family members aware that this blog is on line! Remember, we deal exclusively with REAL POSITIVITY! That REAL POSITIVITY is maintaining a life focused on The Only REAL POSITIVE we have, JESUS CHRIST! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Tomorrow: Delving Deeper into Goal Setting
Greetings, my beloved friends and family! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to join me today as we continue on our ordained journey to finish what we start! It is my absolute joy and privilege to be able to speak into your hearts and minds the wonderful Word and strategies of our Beloved Savior and LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Today we must discuss the topic of not only starting each day GREAT, but also FINISHING GREATER than how we began. With this in mind I would like to verbalize what I believe is the key to not only starting and completing each day with the Greatness of The LORD, but also the key to enduring a successful and profitable life, as we walk with Jesus as our number one Ally and Friend along this road we call LIFE!
The key to living a fulfilling life is utilizing the God-Given ability we possess to set and finish strategic goals. I say strategic because we have to set a strategy as if we were preparing for a battle that we could not afford to lose! Actually we are preparing for a battle. As a Christian, we are given the Wisdom of Almighty God that we are in a Spiritual Warfare. Sometimes, just our having survived yesterday, and waking up today, still thanking God, is a battle that by the Mercy of Christ we have won. Life is a series of battles. Some are lesser than others, but with every battle, although we may have come out victorious, more than likely there will be some sort of wound or bruise. Our total healing from all of life's trials and tribulations can only be found in the Grace and loving Countenance of Jesus Christ. However, I'll reserve that topic for a future blog. Be sure to remind me!
In this collection of faith-filled words, my intent is to get you started in the right direction of becoming a vessel apt for the Master's use, and creating not only an innate desire to fulfil the Will of God in your life, but to also accomplish every dream, goal, and Christ-like intent in order that you might rejoice in The LORD daily no matter what satanic opposition comes against you, and that you may be the Salt and Light Jesus designed you to be so that the world would see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. The impetus to get you started on the right path of attaining your desires, is the effectiveness of setting, maintaining, and fulfilling your goals!
The first step in goal setting is to decide what exactly you want. It is very difficult to attempt to prepare a plan of action if you don't know what you hope to attain as a result of the action! Before we begin the act of preparing our goals, I would like to emphasize that there are Spiritual Goals, Personal Goals, and Corporate goals. I would suggest that you prayerfully consider not only what the Will of God is in your life, but also ask Him to show you what talent's He has already placed at your beck and call in regards to His Will, Plan, and Purpose for your life. The best and easiest was to find out the Will of God for your life is to be rooted and grounded in the Word of God, the Holy Bible. God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness in His Word. The Holy Bible is the only accurate and true source of the intents of Jesus's Heart. We not only learn the attributes of our Savior by intense reading of this 'gameplan' for life, we also learn about ourselves, as we see close range the triumphs, mistakes, pitfalls, and tragedies of other men and women of like passions as we. Simply put, before we talk about any personal or corporate goals, we must discuss the imperative matter of pursuing Spiritual Goals!
Spiritual goals will vary from person to person. A spiritual goal may be your endeavoring to read the entire Bible in a year. It may also mean that you would set a goal to spend 20 minutes in the morning, evening, and night in fellowship with your Creator. It might mean you've decided to not leave a conversation with anyone without talking about the Goodness of God. Of course each of us is different in our spiritual walks with God, so you do whatever God places in your heart. But remember, in order to live a successful and fulfilling life, without regrets, we must have Spiritual goals! I know and believe the most important goal we as Christians should pursue is to live a life pleasing to God. I'm not saying necessarily what man says is pleasing to God. I'm saying what God's Word says is pleasing to Him. This is why it is imperative to KNOW His Word for yourself, and your spirit will soar on the beautiful heavens of the Will of our Creator!
The next category of goals is Personal Goals. Personal goals involve, but are not limited to, what you would like to accomplish in your own personal life. These goals include such things as writing a book, losing weight, quitting smoking, spending more time with loved ones, finishing college, having a successful business, attaining a certain amount of wealth, and the list continues. These are all worthy goals, and should be pursued, according to the Will of God in your life. This is one of the main reasons we need to have our Spiritual lives in tact before we pursue our BIG dreams and desires!
The last category of goals is Corporate goals. These aspirations involve what you would like to accomplish with the community of individuals God has placed in your life. These include family goals (i.e. - Having a movie, or family night with your spouse and children weekly), Church goals (i.e. - planning with the Pastor missionary trips, fund raising, feeding the homeless, visiting the sick, communing with the imprisoned, etc.), business goals (i.e. - having performance incentives in the workplace or at your business, partnership, or corporation), or community goals (i.e. - planning block parties for your neighborhood, having barbecues or swimming trips, taking a group of underprivileged children to Church or the movies, etc). These Corporate goals in a sense are more worthy than personal goals, however, we must have our personal lives in tact before we can effectively minister to the masses!
I mentioned earlier that before you can plan your goals, you must know exactly what you want. What do you want in life? What would you like God to accomplish in your life by this time next year? What resources are available to you to accomplish your goals? Will the goal be an immediate goal, short term goal, or long term goal? Will you need the assistance of others to accomplish your goal? Do you possess the necessary funding to achieve your goal? Do YOU believe you can accomplish this goal? These are all questions that must be considered when you are striving to accomplish something great! These are only a few questions. I'm sure you can think of many more. This is why you MUST know what you want before you can create a goal setting plan. This takes prayer, and may take soul searching. But it can be done! Remember, you can do ALL things through CHRIST which strengtheneth you (Philippians 4:13)!
Now, before I delve deeper into how we are to plan, perfect, and pursue our goals and to discuss what IMMEDIATE, SHORT TERM, and LONG TERM Goals are, I want you to first spend some time in prayer, seeking and listening to God. Ask Jesus to give you Wisdom even as you rest tonight about what He would have you do. Ask Him to clear out all clutter in your minds and hearts in order that you are sincerely ready to pursue all that He has envisioned for your life. Read your favorite Bible Chapter tonight before you retire for the evening. If you don't believe all that the Bible states about Jesus being our only Way to Salvation, I would suggest that you read in the Holy Bible (preferably the King James Version) The Gospel according to St. John Chapter 3 tonight. You may accomplish goals in life seemingly without belief in Christ, but when the goal is accomplished, without this belief, you WILL NOT garner real peace or fulfillment!!!!
If you are just joining us on this journey of Finishing What We Start, I would suggest you take the time to read our previous blogs. These will help you effectively manuever the roads, peaks, valleys, and mountains of life. Remember, we are Starting Great, and Finishing Greater in EVERY aspect of life. Please join us tomorrow as we discuss the intricacies of proper goal setting. You won't want to miss it! Thanks again for joining us today and everyday, and leave a comment, share the link to these articles on your various social media pages, and make your friends and family members aware that this blog is on line! Remember, we deal exclusively with REAL POSITIVITY! That REAL POSITIVITY is maintaining a life focused on The Only REAL POSITIVE we have, JESUS CHRIST! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Tomorrow: Delving Deeper into Goal Setting
Holy Spirit,
Self Help
Coatesville, PA 19320, USA
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Continue On The Journey!
Praise Jesus Christ, family! Thank you all for joining me on this journey of finishing what we started! It is an absolute pleasure and joy to have you all along for the ride! Now, yesterday we discussed the necessity of taking a break when needed. We realized that in order to function at our highest capabilities, we need to refresh and recuperate from the stress and weariness that can sometimes envelop our minds, bodies, and spirits as we press on to not only the High Calling of God, but also towards our goals, dreams, and ambitions of becoming all that Jesus has ordained for us! Now that we've realized our rest and have become refreshed and refined, it is time for us to gather our wits about us and to continue on our journey toward our success.
Believe it or not, sometimes after we've completed our day of relaxation and restoration, it can seem difficult to return to the right path of progress. We have become comfortable with 'doing nothing' and have become a bit complacent. However, this actually is VERY easy to overcome. You may assume it's difficult to get past complacency, but in reality it's rather simple. There's a secret that all those who achieve some level of success have come to realize in continuing their journey to fulfillment. This secret is only hidden to those who refuse to progress and would rather remain in mediocrity. Would you like to know this secret? The likelihood is you already know and possess it. I literally know you have this secret abiding within you because of the fact that you are reading these words today! Because you took the time to improve your quality of life by reading this blog tells me that, you desire to improve your quality of life and you have many worthy aspirations that you KNOW God will help you achieve! Now by this time you might be saying "Come on maCmoses, get on with the secret!". Well before I can do that, your asking of this question leads me to another quality we must have as we pursue our aspirations. This quality or virtue is know as patience.
Without patience, many goals would never come to fruition. Patience is definitely a virtue that every successful businessman, businesswoman, doctor, lawyer, writer, musician, or any other career vocational choice needs to be successful. Without patience, we would lose faith in the fulfilment of the desires God has placed in our hearts. The Holy Bible even commands us to 'Wait on The LORD'. It also states that those who wait on the LORD will 'renew their strength' (Isaiah 40:31). Having patience will help us with any form of discouragement the enemy (Satan) may throw our way. Having patience will also help us to understand that not every goal we have will be accomplished in a day. Remember how we talked yesterday about God resting on the Sabbath? He could have created everything in one second, let alone one day, if that was His decision. But God likes to work in stages. That's what we must do with our lives. We must not try to do everything in one day! Trying to do TOO MUCH can be discouraging, especially when we don't see the progress come to pass as quickly as we might like. It is better for us to accomplish between 3-5 goals daily that we KNOW we can accomplish, than to seek to complete 10-12 goals, and weary ourselves when a little at a time may have been wiser. I briefly mention goals here. I'll talk more about that tomorrow!
Well, you've been EXTREMELY patient by waiting for me to tell you the secret to continuing with your journey. That secret can be described in a variety of descriptive words, but to put it in a nutshell the secret is to 'Do what needs to be done'! In other words, you normally won't feel like taking on a difficult task after you've had a day of rest, but when you do what you don't feel like doing, upon completion of the task you will feel the better for having accomplished a goal, and this sense of accomplishment will enable you to feel better in mind, body, and spirit, thus equipping you with the necessary ammunition to live a fulfilled life in all the Grace and Glory of God!
So what is it that you would like to accomplish today, tomorrow, or in the years to come? I know Jesus has placed many talents, desires, and insights within you, and you are very wise in pursuing your dreams! Prayerfully ask God which direction to take, and start planning your goals according to His Word to receive your 'Expected End' (Jeremiah 29:11). God will see you through, and He Will Encourage you along the journey's path. Be sure to come back tomorrow, so we can find the necessary means by which we can obtain our desires. It was a joy and a privilege speaking with you today! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger Of God
Tomorrow: How Do We Accomplish Our Goals?
Believe it or not, sometimes after we've completed our day of relaxation and restoration, it can seem difficult to return to the right path of progress. We have become comfortable with 'doing nothing' and have become a bit complacent. However, this actually is VERY easy to overcome. You may assume it's difficult to get past complacency, but in reality it's rather simple. There's a secret that all those who achieve some level of success have come to realize in continuing their journey to fulfillment. This secret is only hidden to those who refuse to progress and would rather remain in mediocrity. Would you like to know this secret? The likelihood is you already know and possess it. I literally know you have this secret abiding within you because of the fact that you are reading these words today! Because you took the time to improve your quality of life by reading this blog tells me that, you desire to improve your quality of life and you have many worthy aspirations that you KNOW God will help you achieve! Now by this time you might be saying "Come on maCmoses, get on with the secret!". Well before I can do that, your asking of this question leads me to another quality we must have as we pursue our aspirations. This quality or virtue is know as patience.
Without patience, many goals would never come to fruition. Patience is definitely a virtue that every successful businessman, businesswoman, doctor, lawyer, writer, musician, or any other career vocational choice needs to be successful. Without patience, we would lose faith in the fulfilment of the desires God has placed in our hearts. The Holy Bible even commands us to 'Wait on The LORD'. It also states that those who wait on the LORD will 'renew their strength' (Isaiah 40:31). Having patience will help us with any form of discouragement the enemy (Satan) may throw our way. Having patience will also help us to understand that not every goal we have will be accomplished in a day. Remember how we talked yesterday about God resting on the Sabbath? He could have created everything in one second, let alone one day, if that was His decision. But God likes to work in stages. That's what we must do with our lives. We must not try to do everything in one day! Trying to do TOO MUCH can be discouraging, especially when we don't see the progress come to pass as quickly as we might like. It is better for us to accomplish between 3-5 goals daily that we KNOW we can accomplish, than to seek to complete 10-12 goals, and weary ourselves when a little at a time may have been wiser. I briefly mention goals here. I'll talk more about that tomorrow!
Well, you've been EXTREMELY patient by waiting for me to tell you the secret to continuing with your journey. That secret can be described in a variety of descriptive words, but to put it in a nutshell the secret is to 'Do what needs to be done'! In other words, you normally won't feel like taking on a difficult task after you've had a day of rest, but when you do what you don't feel like doing, upon completion of the task you will feel the better for having accomplished a goal, and this sense of accomplishment will enable you to feel better in mind, body, and spirit, thus equipping you with the necessary ammunition to live a fulfilled life in all the Grace and Glory of God!
So what is it that you would like to accomplish today, tomorrow, or in the years to come? I know Jesus has placed many talents, desires, and insights within you, and you are very wise in pursuing your dreams! Prayerfully ask God which direction to take, and start planning your goals according to His Word to receive your 'Expected End' (Jeremiah 29:11). God will see you through, and He Will Encourage you along the journey's path. Be sure to come back tomorrow, so we can find the necessary means by which we can obtain our desires. It was a joy and a privilege speaking with you today! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger Of God
Tomorrow: How Do We Accomplish Our Goals?
Friday, July 15, 2011
A Time For Rest!
Praise Jesus Christ!
Greetings my friends. How are you this glorious day of The LORD? I pray you are doing magnificently, and accomplishing every goal and endeavor The LORD has place in your heart! However, if you aren't feeling up to par today, believe me, I understand.
You see, I have been having trouble with my mobility for nearly 9 years. In the Spring of 2003 I lost feeling in my lower extremities, and I lost my ability to walk. After being misdiagnosed for nearly 4 years, it was discovered that there was a bony-mass pressing against my spinal column, interfering with the flow of my spinal fluid. After two successful surgeries (I thought I would only need one), I am regaining control of my extremities, and gaining a greater mobility everyday.
About a week ago, I rededicated my efforts to an intense daily workout that has pushed my body to it's limits! Upon completion of my latest physical therapy endeavor, my therapist gave me instructions on my workout regime. This re-dedication is far and beyond what my therapist recommended. However, I am determined to push myself beyond what I thought possible. After all doesn't Jesus say in His Word - The Holy Bible - He will do 'more than we ask or think'?
Well, suffice it to say, today I didn't really feel like getting out of bed. I felt worn out and weary. Normally, I would come downstairs and begin my walking, but today I decided instead to rest a bit. My wife wanted to go to the park with our kids, so I was all for it. Whether or not it was the heat from the blistering sunlight, the repercussions of daily strenuous exercise, or God Himself nudging me on my shoulder to take a breather, upon returning home, I felt like doing nothing. Then I realized, I NEEDED A MUCH-DESERVED BREAK!
Now this break doesn't mean that I have quit, or that I won't accomplish my goals. It simply means that my entire body, mind, and spirit, needed a time of refreshing. Even God Himself Who only gets weary with our sins, rested from His Works the seventh day. He commanded us to rest the Sabbath (Some say this is Saturday, others Sunday - I believe the first day is Sunday and the seventh is Saturday, but I am not writing this to debate that), and I believe this is an ordained time for regeneration. If you for some reason cannot rest during the weekend, possibly because of employment constraints, I suggest resting at least one day of the week.
Take the time to enjoy your family, or if you're not married, to enjoy yourself and your God. Life will be there when your rest or vacation has come to a conclusion. We all need a time to relax, refresh, and reflect. This time of relaxation will revive or minds and spirits, and enable us to return to a greater state of productivity in every area of our lives.
So if you're reading this post at the beginning of a new day, or at the end of a long strenuous day, keep this in mind. In order to finish all that we start, we must have the strength and endurance to accomplish every task and goal. Simply put, this endurance only comes from the Loving God that always ordains in Himself, 'A Time to Rest'! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Tomorrow: Continue On The Journey!
Greetings my friends. How are you this glorious day of The LORD? I pray you are doing magnificently, and accomplishing every goal and endeavor The LORD has place in your heart! However, if you aren't feeling up to par today, believe me, I understand.
You see, I have been having trouble with my mobility for nearly 9 years. In the Spring of 2003 I lost feeling in my lower extremities, and I lost my ability to walk. After being misdiagnosed for nearly 4 years, it was discovered that there was a bony-mass pressing against my spinal column, interfering with the flow of my spinal fluid. After two successful surgeries (I thought I would only need one), I am regaining control of my extremities, and gaining a greater mobility everyday.
About a week ago, I rededicated my efforts to an intense daily workout that has pushed my body to it's limits! Upon completion of my latest physical therapy endeavor, my therapist gave me instructions on my workout regime. This re-dedication is far and beyond what my therapist recommended. However, I am determined to push myself beyond what I thought possible. After all doesn't Jesus say in His Word - The Holy Bible - He will do 'more than we ask or think'?
Well, suffice it to say, today I didn't really feel like getting out of bed. I felt worn out and weary. Normally, I would come downstairs and begin my walking, but today I decided instead to rest a bit. My wife wanted to go to the park with our kids, so I was all for it. Whether or not it was the heat from the blistering sunlight, the repercussions of daily strenuous exercise, or God Himself nudging me on my shoulder to take a breather, upon returning home, I felt like doing nothing. Then I realized, I NEEDED A MUCH-DESERVED BREAK!
Now this break doesn't mean that I have quit, or that I won't accomplish my goals. It simply means that my entire body, mind, and spirit, needed a time of refreshing. Even God Himself Who only gets weary with our sins, rested from His Works the seventh day. He commanded us to rest the Sabbath (Some say this is Saturday, others Sunday - I believe the first day is Sunday and the seventh is Saturday, but I am not writing this to debate that), and I believe this is an ordained time for regeneration. If you for some reason cannot rest during the weekend, possibly because of employment constraints, I suggest resting at least one day of the week.
Take the time to enjoy your family, or if you're not married, to enjoy yourself and your God. Life will be there when your rest or vacation has come to a conclusion. We all need a time to relax, refresh, and reflect. This time of relaxation will revive or minds and spirits, and enable us to return to a greater state of productivity in every area of our lives.
So if you're reading this post at the beginning of a new day, or at the end of a long strenuous day, keep this in mind. In order to finish all that we start, we must have the strength and endurance to accomplish every task and goal. Simply put, this endurance only comes from the Loving God that always ordains in Himself, 'A Time to Rest'! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Tomorrow: Continue On The Journey!
Holy Spirit,
Self Help,
Coatesville, PA 19320, USA
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