Praise Jesus Christ!
Greetings my friends. How are you this glorious day of The LORD? I pray you are doing magnificently, and accomplishing every goal and endeavor The LORD has place in your heart! However, if you aren't feeling up to par today, believe me, I understand.
You see, I have been having trouble with my mobility for nearly 9 years. In the Spring of 2003 I lost feeling in my lower extremities, and I lost my ability to walk. After being misdiagnosed for nearly 4 years, it was discovered that there was a bony-mass pressing against my spinal column, interfering with the flow of my spinal fluid. After two successful surgeries (I thought I would only need one), I am regaining control of my extremities, and gaining a greater mobility everyday.
About a week ago, I rededicated my efforts to an intense daily workout that has pushed my body to it's limits! Upon completion of my latest physical therapy endeavor, my therapist gave me instructions on my workout regime. This re-dedication is far and beyond what my therapist recommended. However, I am determined to push myself beyond what I thought possible. After all doesn't Jesus say in His Word - The Holy Bible - He will do 'more than we ask or think'?
Well, suffice it to say, today I didn't really feel like getting out of bed. I felt worn out and weary. Normally, I would come downstairs and begin my walking, but today I decided instead to rest a bit. My wife wanted to go to the park with our kids, so I was all for it. Whether or not it was the heat from the blistering sunlight, the repercussions of daily strenuous exercise, or God Himself nudging me on my shoulder to take a breather, upon returning home, I felt like doing nothing. Then I realized, I NEEDED A MUCH-DESERVED BREAK!
Now this break doesn't mean that I have quit, or that I won't accomplish my goals. It simply means that my entire body, mind, and spirit, needed a time of refreshing. Even God Himself Who only gets weary with our sins, rested from His Works the seventh day. He commanded us to rest the Sabbath (Some say this is Saturday, others Sunday - I believe the first day is Sunday and the seventh is Saturday, but I am not writing this to debate that), and I believe this is an ordained time for regeneration. If you for some reason cannot rest during the weekend, possibly because of employment constraints, I suggest resting at least one day of the week.
Take the time to enjoy your family, or if you're not married, to enjoy yourself and your God. Life will be there when your rest or vacation has come to a conclusion. We all need a time to relax, refresh, and reflect. This time of relaxation will revive or minds and spirits, and enable us to return to a greater state of productivity in every area of our lives.
So if you're reading this post at the beginning of a new day, or at the end of a long strenuous day, keep this in mind. In order to finish all that we start, we must have the strength and endurance to accomplish every task and goal. Simply put, this endurance only comes from the Loving God that always ordains in Himself, 'A Time to Rest'! Be Blessed!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger of God
Tomorrow: Continue On The Journey!
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