Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21 KJV Holy Bible)
Greetings family! I trust you all are having a blessed week! I know I am! God is faithful, and before we begin today's discussion, let me just say that no matter what you may be going through, keep believing in Jesus! He is the Holy God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Spirit), and He will keep you in all your ways, no matter how it looks in the natural. Remember, we are in a Spiritual warfare, and our weapons are not carnal (fleshly), keep fighting in The Spirit, by The Spirit, and for The Spirit, and you will come out on top every time!
Now onward to today's topic - The Power of The Tongue! Now we know from the Bible (James 3:5-18), that although the tongue is a little member, it is a powerful member of our bodies. The words we speak with this organ have the power to encourage, uplift, inspire, or destroy. After all think of the many damaging things that may have been spoken over you in your childhood. Without the Help and knowledge of God, some of those things would still effect us years later. That is why we must be wise, careful, and cautious with the words we speak to others as well as to ourselves.
The Bible says that God created all things by His Word, Jesus (John 1:1). He spoke and things came into existence. Because we are made in His Image, we have the same life changing power within us that He possesses. Our words have the ability to dictate the course of our lives. If I'm going through a rut, I must positively speak the things I want to see happen in my life rather than speak things as they may appear.
That's why I spoke in an earlier post about 'Positive Affirmations'. These affirmations are not just words that we speak that have little meaning. They are not words that just involve 'positive thinking'. These are words that show our faith in God. They are saying to ourselves, the devil, and to our Father God that we believe that all things are possible through Jesus, and that Christ ultimately has the final say over any seemingly adverse situation in our lives. It is important that we don't let the devil, and his fiery darts (Ephesians Chapter 6) discourage us from our God-Given Destiny. One way we prevent this is by using our words to build us up in the Lord, and strengthen our resolve.
As I spoke briefly earlier, we must also understand that our words have the ability to give or destroy life. If I am constantly telling myself what I can't accomplish, more than likely I will stay in a perpetual state of unfulfillment when it comes to all that God has in store for my present life and for my future. Understand, my beloved that God has already given us all we need to succeed. I understand that sometimes when the road gets tedious and tough, it may become difficult to continue declaring positive, faith filled words. In my own personal life, I had difficulty doing what I'm asking you to do on various occasions. However, through all my heartache and pain, God has continued to bring me through to the land of success as I've continued to cry out to Him, and done my best to keep not just a positive frame of mind, but a faith-filled frame of mind as well.
With this life changing power we possess within our tongues, we must be careful not to fight 'fire with fire'. In simpler terms, adding more combustion to an already explosive situation does nothing to extinguish the flame of despair. We must understand as Ephesians Chapter 6 declares that we are in a spiritual warfare. When someone comes against us, we have to look beyond that particular individual and see the source of their pain or destructive words. Our loving, faith filled words should be the Water of The Word of God that douses the venomous flames of contention, with the love of Christ that resides within us. This is not always an easy task. That is why it is imperative that we stay in our Bibles daily, gaining all the strength and Wisdom we can, and learning the attributes of our Heavenly Father while putting into application the thoughts of Jesus to show the masses that we are truly in the world, but not of the world.
So order your conversation upright. Let your words be filled with grace, seasoned with the salt of our Savior, and change your life by what you say and think. Don't live another day down in the dumps and depressed. God has spoken life over you. Now it's time to line your thoughts, intents, and words with His and live that life of blessing, abundance, and peace He has supplied for you by His Blood! Amen? Amen!!!!
(c) 2011 Writings With The Finger Of God
Next: Finish What You Start!
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